Growing Together / ひろがる、繋がる
2016年も間もなく終わりですね。 「師走」とはよく言ったモノで、僕らTOKYO COWBOYSもありがたい事に、 忙しくさせてもらっています。
今年も色々な挑戦をしましたが、 特に印象深いのが ”The Actor and the Model” という映画を撮った事。
もちろん作品ひとつひとつに強い思い入れがありますが、 この映画は今までとは少し毛色が違うものでした。
同性愛を描いた本作は、 報われない悲恋です。
遠い世界の出来事ではなく、 皆さんの隣で起きている物語です。
カミングアウト出来ず、 心にフタをしてしまっている人がいる事を、 この映画を通して少しでも多くの方に気づいてほしい。
ありがたい事に、 活動を支援して頂ける事も増えてきました。
地道に真摯に、映画を創って来てよかったと、 見つけてくれる人はいるんだと、 日々感謝しながらこれからも挑戦していきます。
どんな一年になるのか、 今からワクワクしています。
それではまた、 劇場でお会いしましょう。
It looks as if we have come to the end of another year! 2016 is coming to a close. December is a busy month for all of us, including Tokyo Cowboys! So many things happened this year that I am proud of, but the one that springs to mind immediately is our short film "The Actor and the Model." Of course I have strong feelings about all of the films that we have made up to this point, but there is just something different about this film. I think we have addressed the theme of love in all of our films, but there is something very tragic about this film. It is not the story of a distant world, it is the story of perhaps the person sitting next to you. Not being able to come out and shutting a huge part of yourself off from the world is a pain I cannot begin to completely understand, but I hope that this film helps many people begin to. I know it helped me. I am so happy and thankful that I was able to make this film. I am very very glad that we decided to challenge a serious topic and I hope that in our way we have done our part to help and support people who find themselves in the situation presented in the film. Looking forward to next year, I think it's time to challenge a feature length film, don't you? I am not sure exactly what next year will bring, but I am looking forward to the challenges it has in store for us! I hope to seeing you all at the theater soon. Until then, Tomori Tsubasa Director Tokyo Cowboys