The Nihongo of it all / 日本語翻訳紀行
(English Below)
What I’m about to write might shock you, but here we go…
Initially I write all our scripts in English. With a pen. In a notebook.
Yes, yes, I know. It’s old fashioned. I don’t like dragging my laptop out with me when I’m in the mood to write. It’s my process. Leave me alone.
From there, I type the dialog up first. After that I move into action, scene description, and when necessary specific acting notes.
After that, it begins…
The dreaded translation into Japanese.
Our team has been working together for quite some time on this project and one of the things we learned early on is that EVERYONE uses Japanese differently. The Japanese members of our team will even argue (to the point of yelling at each other) about what is the correct way to say something in Japanese.
Here is how we do it. Each cast member is (in general) in charge of translating their own lines. Kyle Card (Kyle) and I will sit together for days hashing it out. Don’t tell him, but I love this time together. For me, this is when a series really starts to take shape. Once I get that rapid fire Chris and Kyle tempo in my head, I can finally start to picture everything.
Haku Inko (Inko Sensei) doesn’t speak English, so she and I will go through the script together and I will explain each line to her. She will then translate it into how she believes Inko Sensei would phrase it. On occasion, the three of us will get together and work. I’d say this process takes about a week.
Masahito Kawahata handles the characters that are more intricate and the stage directions. For example, Alexander Hunter’s dialog as David is all in a very old-fashioned Japanese. I would have no idea how to go about writing this. Masa puts in the extra time and energy to make sure all of David’s lines are correct.
Early on the production of “The Benza”, we had a long discussion about how perfect we should make the non-Japanese character’s Japanese abilities. Considering one of the larger points of the show is that everyone is connected via a Japanese language school, my opinion was that we correct things that are wrong but keep interesting turns of phrases. It might not be what Japanese people say, but if it is comprehensible, let’s keep it.
English, Japanese, French, Spanish, Swedish, or Italian…it doesn’t matter. Language is extremely personal. The way people use language is different, and it’s these differences that let us show who we are as people. For an actor, the slightest turn of a phrase, that momentary slip or stammer in a moment of passion, or that moment where your throat closes and chokes your words are not mistakes. They are character development.
At the end of the day, I’m just proud to present a television show were foreigners and Japanese people are interacting together in Japanese on screen, even if the Japanese is not perfect. We are doing our best to introduce a new type of entertainment, and we are doing it with everything we’ve got.
Is it perfect? Nah. However, I think “The Benza” is better for its flaws. It gives it character.
#thebenza #primevideo #クリス・マッコームス