Kachusha's Song
Piano: Hirotake Kitakata
Violin: Keita Nishigaki
Viola: Hironori Nakamura
Chello: Hiroyuki Yokomizo
Contrabass: Taku Tsuchida
Producer's Comments
Chris: Hello Hirotake. Let’s start with the beginning. When did your interest in music begin?
クリス: 最初から聞かせてね。まず、音楽に興味を持ったのはいつからかな?
Hirotake: I was brought up in an environment that was full of music. When I was growing up music was everywhere so there was literally no choice. I was born into musical interest.
寛丈: 生まれた時から音楽に溢れた環境に育って、当たり前のようにそばにいつもあったから、常に興味はありますよね。
Chris: Can you tell me a bit about why you were interested in helping Tokyo Cowboys arrange a song for “’Till Death?”
クリス: Till Deathに参加した理由を教えてください!
Hirotake: I was really taken in by their concept and ideas!
寛丈: ”Tokyo Cowboys”のコンセプトに共感したから!国際的な文化交流は自分のやりたいことの一つですし。
Chris: The song you worked on, “Kachusha’s Song” is a traditional Japanese song. For people who don’t speak Japanese, can you please explain what it is about?
クリス: 日本語が分からない人もこれから“カチューシャの唄”を聴くと思うんですが、カチューシャの唄の意味について教えて下さい。
Hirotake: It’s a break up song through and through, but it’s also a song about looking forward and keeping your head up.
寛丈: 別れのつらさに耐えながらも、それでも前向きに生きていこうという、寂しさと少しの勇気が感じられる内容だと思っています。
Chris: What was it like in the recording studio? Did anything interesting happen?
クリス: 録音のエピソードひとつお願いします!
Hirotake: I was really amazed about how fast Kintaro was able to take things in. (Kintaro isn’t a professional singer, so it was his first time in the recording studio.) I thought, wow! He’s really a pro!
寛丈: Kintaroにディレクションした時の吸収力の高さにさすが役者!だと驚かされました。
Chris: Was there anything interesting that you did with the rearrangement of this song?
クリス: アレンジの面白いポイントは何でしたか?
Hirotake: I wanted the song to sound more like something you would hear in a traditional musical. I also wanted you to be able to feel all the different things Yosuke (Kintaro’s character) is going through.
寛丈: ミュージカルらしく、役者の心境の移り変わりが細かく描写されていることでしょうか。1コーラス終わるたびに転調し、テンポも上がり、声も明るくなるように構成されています。
Chris: What was the hardest part about making the arrangement?
クリス: アレンジする際に難しかったところはどこですか?
Hirotake: When you hear the song in full I think you can understand but I was really confused about what to do with the chords to show how Yosuke was progressing through the different parts of the song. I mean there are really 3 parts and the second movement was tough. When I finally figured it out I was jumping for joy.
寛丈: 心境の変化をどうコードで表現するかに時間をかけました。特に2番の歌い出しの瞬間!閃いた時は思わず小躍りしてしまいました。(笑)
Chris: Finally, what would you say to people who have never tried listening to Japanese music before? What would you want to tell them about Japanese music?
クリス: 日本の音楽をあまり聞いたことない人や興味ない人にコメントをお願いします。(日本の音楽のアピールとして...)
Hirotake: I think that Japan is a beautiful country. We have lush nature, gorgeous terrain, and four seasons each bringing a new palate of colors to decorate our vast countryside. I think this feeling is in the heart of Japanese music, and it continues to be though things are changing in Japan little by little. Traditional haikus and tanka (short songs) continue to influence the flow of Japanese music. “Japanese sensibility” continues to thrive in all Japanese music. It is original, and this special feeling only comes from Japan.
寛丈: 日本は豊かな自然、気象、地形に彩られています。四季がはっきりしているし、毎日少しずつ、ゆるやかに変わり続ける繊細な情景がある。そこに心の動きを投影させている歌が、これまでに多く残されてきました。俳句や短歌に代表される「和歌」の伝統的な流れに、今の日本の歌があります。これこそ日本という土地で育まれた「日本人の感性」だと思っています!

Hirotake Kitakata
Composer and pianist from Ishikawa Prefecture. Grew up in a very musical enviornment. Began studying pop and jazz from a young age. Studied at Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music of Music Composition Department and graduated with the Kuwahara Award. Hirotake has worked all over the world in orchestra, brass band, choir, theater music, video music, and many music events regardless of genre. He also teaches music and gives lectures. Currently based in Tokyo but continues to work with his hometown Ishikawa as a tourism envoy.
北方 寛丈
Original song 1914
"Kachusha's Song"