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Emika Kamieda Aichaku 上枝 恵美加
Emika Kamieda Aichaku 2 上枝 恵美加
Emika Kamieda Aichaku 3 上枝 恵美加


The upbeat manager of the English language school that Lucas teaches at.  She is very supportive of Lucas and stands by him when things get tough.

Emika Kamieda as Erika

She joined NMB48 in 2011. After graduating from the group in 2017 she moved to Spain, where she is currently working as an actress and model, traveling between Japan and overseas. She is a dance instructor and the first Japanese dancer in Spain to be a member of a traditional Catalan dance group. She has appeared in commercials for Starbucks, Chapstick, Cisco, and many other major companies. In June 2023, she participated in the Hollywood Fringe Theater Festival in South Hollywood, Los Angeles. 



上枝 恵美加      


2017年に卒業後、スペインへ渡り現在は海外と日本とを行き来しながら女優・モデルとして活動中。スペインで日本人として初であるカタルーニャの伝統的な踊りのグループに所属しダンス講師も務める。ダンスは勿論、アクションや殺陣も得意としている。 CMでは 『Starbucks』や『Chapstick』『Cisco』等多数大手企業に出演している。 

2022 © TOKYO COWBOYS All Right Reserved.  All pictures, graphics, and text related to The Benza, Benza English, and The Benza RPG may not be reused with out permission.

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