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Chistopher Nishizawa Aichaku 西澤クリストファー清
Chistopher Nishizawa Aichaku 西澤クリストファー清 1
Chistopher Nishizawa Aichaku 西澤クリストファー清 Christopher McCombs


A half-Japanese construction worker employed by his uncle at his family's business.  Strong willed and resourceful, Ken is determined to find himself at any cost.

Christopher Nishizawa as Ken


Kiyoshi Christopher Nishizawa is based out of Tokyo, Japan and began professionally dancing in 2013. He has appeared in music videos for artists like One Ok Rock and Jolin Tsai. He works as a dancer, model, and actor. Nishizawa also works as a producer and a choreographer. He speaks Japanese and English fluently.





西澤クリストファー清は2013年からプロのダンサーとして東京を拠点に活動している。ONE OK ROCKや蔡依林などのアーティストのミュージックビデオにも出演。現在はダンサー、モデル、俳優の他にプロデューサーや振付師としても活動している。日本語と英語が堪能。

2022 © TOKYO COWBOYS All Right Reserved.  All pictures, graphics, and text related to The Benza, Benza English, and The Benza RPG may not be reused with out permission.

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