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Dave - Kyle Card
Kyle was born and raised in British Columbia Canada.  From a young age Kyle has had a keen interest in Japanese culture which led him to study the language in university and participate in an exchange program in Tokyo. After graduating, Kyle returned to Japan to pursue a career in entertainment. Since then he has appeared in many popular Japanese television shows such as Tokyo MX's "Goji ni Muchuu", Nihon-TV's "Sekai Banzuke" and "Monomane Guranpuri", as well as Fuji TV's "Quiz! Sore maji!? Nippon" In addition to various print and commercial ads, Kyle has also appeared in the Japanese films "Eien no Zero", "Vancouver Asahi" and "Patlabor". Kyle plans to continue and further his career in Japan, eventually expanding internationally.  Kyle is represented by Remix.

デイヴ (カイル・カード)
カナダのブリティッシュ・コロンビア生まれ。若いときから日本文化に興味を持ち、学生時代は日本語を学ぶため交換留学をする。卒業後、俳優を目指し来日、タレントとしていろいろな TV 番組に出演。「TOKYO MXTV:5時に夢中!」「日本テレビ:世界番付」「フジテレビ:クイズ!それマジ!?ニッポン」等々...。その他、CM、雑誌などの広告メディア、映画出演など活躍は多岐にわたる。現在、所属事務所は Remix。

Brian - Christopher McCombs
American born print/catalogue model and actor, Chris has been performing since the age of 15. He has appeared in various commercials, magazines, music videos including Namie Amuro and DJ Makidai, as well as television dramas. He recently starred in NDJC 2012 short film The Secret Keeper and will appear in Miracleデビくろくんの恋と魔法 winter of 2014. He also appeared as a regular on Tokyo MX’s Gojinimuchuu. Chris is currently based in Tokyo Japan and is represented by Freewave Entertainment.

ブライアン (クリス・マッコームス)
アメリカ ラスベガス出身のモデル・俳優。15歳で俳優デビューを遂げ、17歳からはモデル業を開始。ラスベガス、ロサンゼルス、シカゴ、クリーブランドなど各地でモデルとして活動する。28歳の時に来日し、数多くのCM、雑誌、MV(DJ Makidai, 安室奈美恵 等)、テレビドラマ(世にも奇妙な物語 等)に出演。NDJC2012のショートフィルム「カサブランカの探偵」で主役、今冬公開映画「MIRACLEデビクロくんの恋と魔法」に出演。現在は株式会社フリー・ウェーブ専属モデルとして活動中。

Deni - Camilla Ståhl

Camilla Ståhl was born in the Swedish archipelago. She began acting lessons from a young age and has been modeling from the age of 12. Looking for adventure and warmer climate she moved to Tokyo at the age of 19 where she pursued her modeling and acting career full time. She has worked for various clothing brands, television commercials, magazines, music videos including Gackt and Yamashita Tomohisa, regular on the tv drama 日本人の知らない日本語 and other various tv shows. Camilla also appeared in the 2014 movie ジャッジ! Her future dream is to do more movies, both in Japan and abroad. Camilla is represented by Freewave Entertainment.


デニ (カミラ・ストール)

スウェーデン出身。12歳からモデル業を始め、2006年から来日し日本語を学ぶ傍らモデルとしての活動を開始する。2010年日本テレビ連続ドラマ「日本人の知らない日本語」ではエレーン役を演じる。現在は映画、テレビ、CM、MV(Gackt and Yamashita Tomohisa)、カタログモデル、俳優として様々な現場で精力的に活動中。最近では2014年公開映画「ジャッジ!」に出演。株式会社フリー・ウェーブ専属モデルとして、意欲的に活動している。

Tanaka - Kintaro Aoyama

Kintaro was born in 1978 in Yamanashi, Japan. As a child, Kintaro often watched movies with his mom who worked at a video store and became very interested in entertainment as a result. After coming to Tokyo at the age of 18, he got a role in his friend’s film and became interested in acting professionally. From 26 he primarily focused on performing in stage plays, but is currently working mainly in television, commercials, and movies.


田中 (青山 金太郎)


Mom - Cynthia Cheston

Raised in Newport Beach CA, she started acting at the age of eight. Studied at South Coast Repretory Conservatory and came to Japan in 1998.  Mainly works in film, drama, commercials and print.  Has appeared in several NHK dramas such as "Yae no Sakura," "Makete Katsu," "Cho Cho Fujin," and "Shirasu Jiro." Her lastest Film is Toei's 2014 "In The Hero" playing Kate.

InagawaMotoko Office


ママ (シンシア・チェストン)

アメリカのカリフォルニア州出身。8歳から芸能活動。South Coast Repertory Conservatory で演技を学び、1998年に来日。映画、CM、テレビドラマ、雑誌など、多方面で活躍中。NHKドラマ「八重の桜」「負けて勝 つ」「蝶々夫人」「白洲次郎」等に出演。最近では2014年の東映「イン・ザ・ヒーロー(In The Hero)」にKate役で出演。


Police Officer - Kosuke Imai

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警察官 (今井 孝祐)

>> オフィシャル ブログ


神奈川県伊勢原市出身。「夕張国際映画祭2013」市民賞受賞『演じ屋』で主演デビュー。 「golden comedy festival 2013」 グランプリ作品『死が二人を分かつまで、愛し続けると誓います』で 優秀俳優賞受賞。 映画、ドラマ、舞台、声優、バラエティ等多方面で活躍中。 特技:手話、殺陣、ギター。(株)グランツ所属


Director - Tomori Tsubasa《友利 翼》




Born in 1983 in Okinawa, Tomori came to Tokyo at the age of 19 to pursue a career in the film industry. After studying at Nihon Kougakuin Hachiouji Digital Film School, he worked at a television studio as an assistand director and began working on his own film projects. Tomori continues to work freelance making short films, music videos, and event promotional films.

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