STORY 2 - The Student
A student and her teacher board a Ferris wheel together for her English lesson. Though he is determined to teach, she has more flirtation ideas in mind. A fun flirty battle of wills leads to a touching moment that asks who is the student and who is the teacher.
結婚生活が長く、子供達も手を離れつつある専業主婦、the Student。
日本で英会話のプライベートレッスンをしている男性、the Teacher。
Directed by Chiaki Kawahito
Filmed by Tomori Tsubasa
Edited by Tomori Tsubasa
Sound Editing by Chiaki Kawahito
Story by Christopher McCombs


Kyle Card
Kyle was born and raised in British Columbia Canada. From a young age Kyle has had a keen interest in Japanese culture which led him to study the language in university and participate in an exchange program in Tokyo. After graduating, Kyle returned to Japan to pursue a career in entertainment.
Since then he has held regular roles on popular Japanese TV shows "Goji ni Muchuu" on Tokyo MX, "EiEi Go!" on NHK, as well as reoccurring reporter roles on NHK World programs "Journeys in Japan" and "Trails to Tsukiji" which are broadcasted internationally.
In addition to various print and commercial ads including "Rizap", "Pringles" and "BioreU Hand Gel", Kyle has also appeared in the Japanese films "Eien no Zero", and "Vancouver Asahi".
Kyle plans to continue and further his career in Japan, eventually expanding internationally.
Kyle is represented by Remix.
カナダのブリティッシュ・コロンビア生まれ。若いときから日本文化に興味を持ち、学生時代は日本語を学ぶため交換留学をする。卒業後、俳優を目指し来日、タレントとしていろいろな TV 番組に出演。「TOKYO MXTV:5時に夢中!」「日本テレビ:世界番付」「フジテレビ:クイズ!それマジ!?ニッポン」等々...。その他、CM、雑誌などの広告メディア、映画出演など活躍は多岐にわたる。現在、所属事務所は Remix。

Kazuko Kawamoto
Originally from Tokyo, Kazuko began studying modern ballet from the age of four and has continued to work in entertainment since. She has performed with various theater troupes around Japan and has worked on radio, television, and stage. Presently Kazuko continues to work with several different production companies and is based in Tokyo.
東京出身。4歳から12歳までモダンバレエを習う。6歳ころ、児童劇団わかくさ所属。ラジオ、テレビ、舞台に出演。大学では美学美術史学専攻。 1999年〜2000年小劇団の制作を手伝う。 2001年から現在まで流山児カンパニーの楽塾所属。全作品に出演。カナダビクトリア演劇フェス、台湾台北演劇フェス参加。ビクトリアではベストアンサンブル賞受賞。今年20周年記念公演を上演。 楽塾の仲間とピーストレインというユニットを作り、ピースリーディングを続けている。