STORY 7 - The Widow
On her first date since her husband passed away, a widow examines how the world and rules of romance have changed.
Directed by Maria Papadopoulou
Filmed by Masaya Kobuto
Edited by Raito Nishizaka and Christopher McCombs
Sound Editing by Takahiro Nomiya
Story by Christopher McCombs
Cynthia Cheston
Cynthia worked in Hollywood before coming to Japan in 1989 and has appeared in various movies, dramas, and TV shows. Recently she has appeared in NHK drama Makete Katsu, Madam Butterfly, Bushi no Musume and Yae no Sakura. She has previously worked with cast mate Stuart in the movie In the Hero, and is the witch for popular Kracie ねるねる commercial series. Her voice work is featured in the Alcon commercial series. Her hobbies include going to hot springs and eating umeboshi.
テレビ出演、CMナレーター、アニメ声優、映画俳優、歌手、DJやMC。。。沢山の顔を持つ神出鬼没変幻自在「スチュアート・オー」。 性格俳優として『ジャッジ』や『しんぼる』を含めて日本のメジャー映画出演、『世界初!ティラノサウルス大解剖・恐竜大発見展』や『X FLAG PARK 2016』を含めてイベント内上映映像主演、CM『スズキ ソリオ 「秘密のソリオ3 コードネーム」篇』主演など、一風変った個性のある役を演じる作品も多数。
CM & TV voice over artist, voice actor, TV regular, character actor, event MC and DJ, vocalist...the many ‘faces’ of StuartO. As a character actor StuartO has appeared in several major Japanese movies such as “JUDGE” and “SYMBOL” and major commercial campaigns including SUZUKI MOTORS and YAMAHA enjoying playing a wide variety of eccentric and unique characters. He recently featured in two major lead roles, MONSTER STRIKES’ “X FLAG PARK 2016” and National Geographic’s “WORLD'S FIRST TYRANNOSAURUS REX AUTOPSY EXHIBITION".