Risa Frames In / 亀田梨紗からの紹介

Hello and nice to meet you! My name is Risa Kameda. Please call me Risa. I am so so so happy to say that I will be appearing in Tokyo Cowboys' next film. I met Chris through a play that we did together in 2016. It was a live version of the anime "Fairytail." We rehearsed the show together in Tokyo and then I played the villain in the Shanghai production. We really got to know each other during those three months of hard work! Chris had some trouble getting used to the Japanese way of doing theater, but he always kept his chin up and always stayed positive. One day he said to me, "You've taken such good care of me. I'll write you something one day." I couldn't believe it when that call finally came that he had a part for me. I was very surprised when I read the script. The part that I am playing reminds me so much of me. I wonder if Chris wrote it that way subconsciously. I couldn't believe it! Even though we only worked together for a short while, it felt so good to be thought of all these months later. Since this film is a short film it feels like we will once again only be together for a short while as well. It's crazy to say but I already feel lonely thinking about parting ways again once the filming is finished! Yours! Risa Actress
初めまして。 今回、出演というかたちで参加頂きます 亀田梨紗 (Kameda Risa)です。 声をかけてくれたクリスとは、今年の舞台 『FAIRYTAIL』で出会いました。 私は上海公演で共演し、とてもとても仲良くさせて頂きました。 初めての顔合わせから稽古期間、 日本、そして上海の本番中、 いつでも明るくて、素直に頼ったり頼らせてくれたり。 そんな彼から、 「リサにお世話になったから」 と感謝のお返しに、今回の作品に呼んでくれました。 私の方こそ、ありがとうでいっぱいだったのにー! ずっと覚えてて、思い出してくれたこと、 お返しの方法がなんて粋なこと。 またこの脚本、おそらくクリスは意識してなかったハズなのに 凄く、私自身、驚きました。 とても短い時間の可能性を、凄く感じてます。 なんだか面白い予感がし過ぎて あっという間に終わってしまいそうで、 撮影前から既に寂しいです。 亀田梨紗 女優